
Forse non tutti sanno che...

A QUANTO PARE lo yoga, onore e gloria degli indiani tutti, in realtà non fa necessariamente bene. E, a dirla tutta, non è neanche questa cosa di secolare storia di cui si va solitamente parlando...

Money Quote: There is only one problem with this purist history of yoga: it is false. Yogic asanas were never ‘Vedic’ to begin with. Far from being considered the crown jewel of Hinduism, yogic asanas were in fact looked down upon by Hindu intellectuals and reformers—including the great Swami Vivekananda—as fit only for sorcerers, fakirs and jogis. Moreover, what HAF calls the “rape of yoga”, referring to the separation of asanas from their spiritual underpinning, did not start in the supposedly decadent West; it began, in fact, in the akharas and gymnasiums of 19th and 20th century India run by Indian nationalists seeking to counter Western images of effete Indians.

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